Thursday, May 6, 2010


Hi Everyone :)

I can't believe that Chris and I have been living here for almost a year! CRAZY! Last week was our birthdays. I couldn't believe it, but we actually had time to go to Charleston for the weekend. We took our bikes, and thanks to Chris' parents got a hotel right on the water. It was so beautiful there! We have lived here for almost a year and hadn't gone down there yet. We spent time at the market downtown and Chris got some great spices to cook with, and rode our bike all through downtown and Battery park. Just a gorgeous weekend!

We also got a gift certificate from my parents to the Performing arts center in Charlotte, and are going to go see Wicked again next month. I can't wait!!!

In other news, my classes are done for the semester, Chris is almost done with his masters degree, and summer is right here around the corner. :)

Miss you all!!!!! Come for a visit this summer :-)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hi Friends!

It is a beautiful Sunday evening here in South Carolina! Chris and I finally bought bikes this weekend. It is something we have wanted for a LONG time! We got a great deal on them and spent yesterday and today out riding around our neighborhood. It has been so fun.

We can't believe that it is mid-April already. It's hard to belief that a year ago we were down here looking for places to live. It's been quite a year!

Love you all!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Lots o vistors

Hello Friends,

We've yet again had a busy March. Josh came to visit again- with thankfully no trips to the ER this time. Chris' brother, Adam, came to visit the week after that, and my sister came the week after that...

We love having visitors though!

For the past few weeks it has been warm enough to go sit by the pool again, though Katie told me I was a wuss while she was here because I wouldn't swim yet. But it has been really beautiful out.

I'm busy with class and Chris is busy with work and class-- AND thinking of possibly getting his PhD to become Dr. Chris :)

Other than that, it has been business as usual here. Loving the warm weather and are excited to go do all those warm weather things we did when we first moved here. I can't believe that it has almost been a year! Love you all!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Hi friends and family!

Chris and I have been SUPER busy lately. I have had a busy semester but I really love my professors and classes right now. I had midterms this past week and did AWESOME if I do say so myself. Chris' work has been busy working on switching to a new computer system, so hopefully things will start to calm down for him some.

We are really excited that the weather has started warming up and the sun is out and shining! We have lots of visitors planned for March and we are really happy to see some friends and family come our way.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas Break!

Chris and I were lucky enough to take 2 weeks off and head back to the midwest for Christmas. We decided to drive so that we could see both of our families, plus we had Jake with us.

We left on a late Thursday night and drove all the way to Lawrence through the night. I was so happy because we got there just before 3:00 pm so I was able to run over to Sunset Hill (my school for the past two years) and say hi to some students and staff. It was so great to see some of my old students and co-workers.

Our trip in Lawrence was packed with seeing friends, a wedding, a KU basketball game, and the Bellinder family christmas. Unfortunately the trip just wasn't long enough. It seemed like we were busy every day and night. It was so good to see everyone though, and have some time with Chris' family.

We drove to Appleton next and of course hit some bad weather so we didn't get in until very very early on Christmas eve. It was all worth it to see my family and friends. We spent a lot of time at home being snowed in and just hanging out.

My sister, Katie, was leaving for Spain and Morocco on January 1st. I was able to skype with her recently and sounds like she's having a great time! We had such a wonderful break, and I wish we could have stayed longer with both families. But we are home now and getting back into the swing of things. Hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009


This has been a crazy week! Our friend Josh came out to visit us from Arizona! He was supposed to be here Last week Friday, but his plane was delayed and he didn't end up getting here until Saturday afternoon. We had a great time visiting though! I brought Josh back to the airport on Wednesday, but he wasn't feeling well and on half way between here and Charlotte he wanted to to the ER to have it checked out. 5 or so hours later we left the ER, not knowing much and he had to reschedule his flight for Thursday. Long story short- he's back in Flagstaff and feeling better.

Chris and I have had lots of homework to catch up on after slacking while Josh was here. We are frantically trying to get everything done because we are going to Columbus, OH this weekend to see Chris' brother and mom, and go to the WI/OSU game! I'm so excited!

Other than that, I have found another student to tutor. A 2nd grade boy who actually lives in the same complex as we do. I finished my orientation to start subbing in the school district. Chris' boss has challenged his center to do 500 more units a week! He thinks they can do it though.

We are loving the warm weather- especially as it gets colder in the midwest :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Hi Everyone!

Things are in full swing for us now. We are both taking classes, and I just started a tutoring job. I'll be working with two boys that are homeschooled. Their mom has been looking for someone to work with them for a couple hours a week. I met the mom and two boys last week and felt really comfortable with the whole situation.

Last weekend Chris and I went to Charlotte to help our friend Jon move into a new place. We spent the whole day up there, and Jake was pretty excited because he got to go!